Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Afraid are you?

Time and memories

I remember as a kid I got up one Sunday morning, put on my Sundays best and proceeded to walk to church. Church was maybe a two miles walk plus the heat and penny loafers wasn't making it a pleasant trip. I was determined to make it to St. Stephen Baptist Church on that faithful day. I remember it like it was yesterday. I was within 500 feet of the church. I could hear the singing and praising on the outside. Then got this o so familiar feeling over my entire body. Fear.

Settling Fear

Fear is a very common feeling that we all encounter. Few will ever admit, but I will today. That day I was afraid. Not of what you may think. Every man supposed to have the fear of God in them, but on that day I was afraid of men. I was afraid of words, I was afraid eyes, I was afraid of thoughts. Even in the house of the Lord I was afraid of the people. Fear had actually settled in me and caused a negative reaction. That day I didn't go to church.

Effects of Fear

I tell that story to acknowledge the power of fear. Fear can actually control your actions, your thoughts, and fear can actually control YOU. Put this in prospective... Two mile walk through extensive heat along my journey I ALLOWED fear to deprive me of my benefits. We will do this sometimes, then we will mask it with the word content. We will become content on our jobs, content in our relationships, plus content in our lifestyle because the fear of the unknown lays the risk too much to the reward.

If its not broke don't fix it

We've all heard this before. This is has to be the most contentious statement i've ever heard. This is the fear of positive because of the possibility of a negative result. This is a fearful mind frame that will actually cause you to put a glass ceiling in your own life. You will actually place things you are able to accomplish just beyond reach due to the fact you are afraid of your own success. Dreams remain dreams, thoughts never hit paper and actions are never taken.

Conquering Fear

The bar has been lowered. Today's American dream is to have a good job and make decent money. Which I don't agree with. My dream is for everyone to do what they love, what they're passionate about. Cast fear to the side and what others maybe perceive and dream BIG. Fear is self inflicted and is easily conquered when faced. Can you hear the members from the outside? Are you willing to walk on in.

1 comment:

  1. Exactly what I needed to hear. Im sure most would agree too. My fear of the sucess I need consumes me and keeps me going at the same time. most of the time its keeps me frm going inside the church as well...dnt really knw when ill get tired of not leaping but hopefully ill hand tht battle to the Almighty one day.
