Sunday, July 8, 2012


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ― Martin Luther King Jr

This is a very powerful statement. To me haters fall into one of two categories. Either they love to hate or hate to love. I would be lying if I said I wasn't naive to the thought of hatred. I felt like hate, hatred and especially the term hater was greatly embellish. Some more than others will use those terms to basically empower themselves, a motivational tool if you will. Some will use it to give themselves relevance or a sense of purpose. I (in my opinion) felt like people use the word hate just to justify an action they couldn't understand.

I've still haven't brought into it whole heartedly, but my eyes are slowly but surely being open. It's not the hate but the misunderstanding. Appreciation and gratitude has really been undermine by misguided thoughts and emotions. I've seen this first hand as many of you. When someone announces their new christianity people look for the backsliding. In a world where your short coming will always outweigh ANY good you've done. Don't believe me?

What's the first thing to your mind when you hear the names Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston? People have gotten a fear of putting anything positive out there from the fear of carrying it. Jesus carried his cross and was stone before he was crucified. These days that's how carrying the truth is. Being positive is actually a burden, almost is as delicate as walking on egg shells. At any moment notice all your hard work could come to an end. The sad thing about it, if I came crashing down today and wrote about it that would probably be my best blog.

Do you want motivation or do you want deceit? Long jeopardy or short comings? Additions or adultery? You want missions or missing? Kings or traitors? Inspiration or Assassination? Facts or fiction? The answer to those questions will truly determined do you want love or hate. Identify the source of the hate and find out how to love. I've always said hate (ing) was a personal problem. It's a personal decision. Now can you get over your personal pride not to?

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