Saturday, June 9, 2012


I'm here to make a difference...     

I'm new to blogging but definitely not new to stating my opinion. I want to shed light on a situation that has been gracefully pushed in the dark and intentionally ignored for obvious reasons. The matter that I am eluding to is cheating.            

As of 3 days ago... My wife left to fulfill her military duties in the Barbados (we should all be so lucky) but in the days leading up to it all I could hear from anyone was what (they) would do in my situation. This is which leads me to the subject at hand...     

Is cheating really that vital that every opportunity to do so has to be explored. Monogamy is almost a myth... A fairytale. Seems that these days only things people are interested in is... what they can get and what they can get away with. Since sex has become easier to get, stability is harder to sustain.

I have a solution...      

As of late (to be nice about the situation)... When it comes to relationships they're started to be treated more like a business than the union of two people that love each other. Possessions have become so much of an emphasis in relationship that the spouse themselves are being treated like the prize possession. Let me show you where i'm getting at...      

Prize possessions such as cars, jewelry, even houses in some cases no matter how much they may cost or are loved...  there is always another one. One you like, you know to have as an option. That's what we do with possessions, we have back-ups and in time prize possessions become old possessions... Then replaced...

Here's my solution...  

How about look at the situation differently. This is how I view mine... when I got married it made me complete, a whole. My half joined hers... i'm a part of her and she's a part of me so I treat her as I would treat myself. I put the shoe on the other foot first (how would I feel). The answer would be painfully obvious when you look through the other eyes. To back up my statement I refer to the Bible "treat others the way you would want to be treated"... Shouldn't it be especially true in the case of your spouse?....


  1. All you've said in here's true, but there are so many out there who don't view it that way. Some people seem to be natural born users where they are just with someone to get whatever they can get. Some people get married, but never take their marriage vows seriously. If you don't want to be faithful or just can't see yourself with that person for the rest of your life, don't get married.

  2. Love this! So many people today live by infidelity. Too many week minded individuals whom live for what the naysayers will say. If one can't give their all and be trustworthy then why waste the time in making a relationship/marriage. Giving in to temptation and "shining" for your friends doesn't make you a MAN nor WOMAN but being faithful, honest and trustworthy will.
