Friday, June 22, 2012

The Hunter

Thanks for you support...

Lately I've been getting a lot of good feedback about my blogs. I would like to take this time before this one to let you know how much I appreciate you even taking your time out to even read them. You're greatly appreciated.

Back to business...

Lately I've been getting questions concerning why men chase women and to extend it, a certain type of woman. Don't get me wrong, i'm not an expert by any stretch of the imagination. This is strictly my opinion and my take on this situation. Do not go tell any man "well Alexander said" because I want to maintain my health. I just know that it was true for me and when I realized it I understood why I was doing it and grew from it. It help me learn lust from love to arrive at this point in my life.

Creatures of habit...

Seeing is believing, we see therefore it must be. Growing up, a man was actually judged on how "fine" his girl was. Objects of affection, refer to my blog "infidelity" which tells you how some are treated as objects. Its very true to a certain degree. But in this case women become more of collectors items. Turn on any song, music video, or TV show to prove this theory true. You will never see a girl in a music video cooking a meal or taking care of her kids. That's what should be promoted but is not.

All about the hunt...

A man always want what he can not have. You can quote me on this. When he can not have you that's when he want you the most. You are appealing to him, you arouse his interest. You are out of his reach therefore the hunt is on. Men are competitive by nature, always on a hunt for a challenge. Women present the greatest challenge of all because it presence the greatest reward.... "sex". That's the conquering of the territory, the planting of the flag, the crowning jewel. Sadly after the hunt is over, so is the interest... No fun playing a game that you know how it ends.

Wounded animals...

Any animal documentary on a predator will tell you that a hunter will almost always go for the wounded (easy target). The strong present too much of a challenge and will require too much time and effort so are usually passed on. The wounded varies from the simple minded, low self esteem, or as simple as one that they have already slept with before. Men have that... "if I've hit it once I can hit it again" mentality. Which is even more of a challenge if she has moved on. This sounds really childish but I promise you if you think back you can recall at least two or three you can identify to this. I'm just being honest.

This might be harsh...

But it is the truth... The way I broke the cycle is realizing... It's just sex! (I have another saying but will not use that kind of language in my blogs). But that's it. "just sex" at the end of the day you have not achieve anything that will actually greatly increase the standard of living in your life. You've actually lost way more than you gained. It may be fun but these days even fun has a price tag on it. Just like anything with a price tag, sometimes it's just not worth it. Now I know the difference between love and lust. The feeling between the two people is actually what makes the sex and not the sex itself..

Saturday, June 16, 2012

New Face Of A Race

Man how the time have changed...

"Man" is the issue. The black man it is... I'm a firm believer in perception isn't reality, but in this case if the shoe fits, Well you know the rest. Providers and protectors are what we were meant for but fell to imprison and unreliable. Our reputation has been forever tarnish. We went from empowering to powerless, organizations to gangs, and the worst from the courtroom steps to in the courtroom itself. Think about it... When you hear bad neighborhood... What's the first thing you think? (black) club fight? (black) etc. etc.

Facts are facts...

2 years ago I worked for Manning Correction Institute... Where a head count was actually taken everyday and on any given day was 70 percent black. No matter the crime whether they deserve to be there or not... they reside there. This just one of 29 state prisons not including Federal prisons or County jails. In the United States 72 percent black kids grow up in a single parent household. 37 percent in South Carolina, 50 in Barnwell county where I reside. That prison number could have a lot to do with this...

Martin where have you gone?

Nowadays when you here "King" we think Lebron. Martin Luther King Jr has become an after thought... Well unless its February. The days of Martin, Malcolm, Stokely Carmichael and Thurgood Marshall are LONG gone. We place Jim Crow laws on ourselves, even Jesse Jackson called Obama a n&$#+ (What a role model). Many fought and died to give us the right... To kill ourselves (Don't think they had that in mind). Right now when you think of a black man you ask... "ever been to jail?" "How many kids?" "How many mothers?" "Do you drink or smoke?"... Right now a man is actually considered to be a "good" man if he has a job... Sad but true...


Black power movement hit its highest peak in the 60s, so did crack. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 came in, 1968 Martin Luther goes out. Here's more... The easiest war tactic is to divide and conquer. So how can you weaken a race at is strongest point... The civil rights movement is dated all the way up to 1975.... The same year child support was created. Which is only two years after abortions was legalized. Think about this... Child Support is suppose to offset the "absent" father.... But only seeks money in which they profit off of. Shouldn't they be able to court order time too?... There's no sheet you can fill out for time is it? That would actually help strengthen, that's not what the system is made for.

Thank God for the black woman...

With all the attention paid to the black male, the black woman has stepped into the forefront. The new face of the race. A new guidance, new direction, and most importantly a new empowerment. Our race is getting strong again. Under new management, the body was stronger than we thought and it all came from a rib. With the power to give life they have rebirth our race. Women went from Celie to CEOs, from the kitchen to college, from mother to daddy, and most importantly... from the back of the bus to the backbone of this black culture... I salute!

Saturday, June 9, 2012


I'm here to make a difference...     

I'm new to blogging but definitely not new to stating my opinion. I want to shed light on a situation that has been gracefully pushed in the dark and intentionally ignored for obvious reasons. The matter that I am eluding to is cheating.            

As of 3 days ago... My wife left to fulfill her military duties in the Barbados (we should all be so lucky) but in the days leading up to it all I could hear from anyone was what (they) would do in my situation. This is which leads me to the subject at hand...     

Is cheating really that vital that every opportunity to do so has to be explored. Monogamy is almost a myth... A fairytale. Seems that these days only things people are interested in is... what they can get and what they can get away with. Since sex has become easier to get, stability is harder to sustain.

I have a solution...      

As of late (to be nice about the situation)... When it comes to relationships they're started to be treated more like a business than the union of two people that love each other. Possessions have become so much of an emphasis in relationship that the spouse themselves are being treated like the prize possession. Let me show you where i'm getting at...      

Prize possessions such as cars, jewelry, even houses in some cases no matter how much they may cost or are loved...  there is always another one. One you like, you know to have as an option. That's what we do with possessions, we have back-ups and in time prize possessions become old possessions... Then replaced...

Here's my solution...  

How about look at the situation differently. This is how I view mine... when I got married it made me complete, a whole. My half joined hers... i'm a part of her and she's a part of me so I treat her as I would treat myself. I put the shoe on the other foot first (how would I feel). The answer would be painfully obvious when you look through the other eyes. To back up my statement I refer to the Bible "treat others the way you would want to be treated"... Shouldn't it be especially true in the case of your spouse?....