Tuesday, July 3, 2018


Goooood Gracious it has been a minute since I've spoken, Well I guess to put this pen to paper. A lot of good going. A lot of positive. More growth than anything else. That's probably been the biggest reason I haven't been writing. I've been doing more learning. My ears have really been working. For the most part of my life, I've been learning on the fly for lack of a better term. Adapting to my environments and leaping without a safety net. Now I found myself in unfamiliar air and territory that's uncharted to all my friends. So I read. My God I READ. I study those who move strange (differently) and most important I study those who make an impact. Lately, I took a step back and look at those who don't aspire anything. The uninspired. Les Brown said, "most people die at the age of 21 it just take them 60 years to do so." I've never seen a dead body, but I see dead ones all the time. It took me over thirty years to realize I was dying without having to have a doctor diagnosed it. Another part of my growth was simply acknowledging that the power of the tongue is real. No this isn't the "shouldn't speak negative speech". This is that train your thought process speech. Your ears are always listening and your brain is always trying to apply what is learning. Speaking positive, speaking with purpose, and speaking life will train your brain to expect better results. Most always expect the worse because that's all they've seen. YOU create your own existence. I have always thought we were victims to our environment. Can't speak for everyone, but I was just a VICTIM of my own thought process. You speak about your own existence. I say what I am. I say what I do. Most of all I say what I mean. A couple of nights ago I had a dream that I fell and a ghost came through the wall and I was basically glued to the floor. I was just forced to watch as transparent figure took its time coming towards me. I opened my eyes and I was in my room. I still couldn't budge. I said "I can move" and it felt a weight was lighted off me. "I can" is the deadly combination that ever existed. Everything that follows will follow in your life.

I want to take a moment and say goodbye to poverty. Not saying I'm rich. I'm saying the mind state. Poor man's thinking. The thinking of what you can not have or deserve. Simply because you haven't achieved it so far. Two new words to add to your dictionary. "Too" and "Also". It is meant for you TOO! You can have it ALSO. Blessings are made in an abundance. There's more than enough to go around. Just make sure you are ready to able to take advantage of them when they come. DEMAND it of yourself. I hate going to the gym. I hate training. I hate being outside in the heat, but every time I go to the gym someone is there. When I look at another salesman they're training. Outside the dealership, somebody is always in the heat. So I demand myself. If I am going to make it I'm going to do whatever it takes. I'm going to have to beat you to the gym. I'm going to train before work. I'm going to stand front and center in Hell's kitchen. I demand it of myself. I'm going to put myself in the BEST possible situation to succeed. I'm going to be ready for my blessing. Don't think just because it hasn't happened it will not. God is like your Boss. He's watching you work. Watching you develop. Your blessing is right around the corner. Whether it's your promotion, marriage, child, car, house, whatever you're praying for. Pretend it's in the mail. Start getting ready for it. Make sure you're ready for it. Ask yourself "what else can I do to position myself for my blessing?"

I google myself on a weekly basis just to remind myself I'm not shit yet. I mean NOTHING comes up. I've finished at the top of two totally different organizations in sales and to me, that is a huge accomplishment in the broad prospective of things it is insignificant. There are over 300 cars dealerships in South Carolina alone. Each has at least 10-20 and sometimes 30 sales professionals at each place. Regardless of what many believe people don't just walk up to the dealership and order a White Charger with leather. By the way, make it a Hemi. The grind on an everyday basis is brutal. I've only been in the cars business for a little over 3 years and have worked with over 150 salespeople. 19 sales managers and countless business managers. The turnover rate is real. The hours are LONG! To actually sell your hours can become unbearable. I get up at 5 am every morning hit the gym then I start promoting on my social media outlets (Alexander Corbitt on Facebook). Come home to get some reading and training in. Then go to work and hit the phones. Have to hit 20 to 40 phone calls. You may only talk to one maybe two people. Now promote some more. Now let's check service and see if someone is in there. Promote some more. Stand in the front and see if some pull in. Promote some more. Make some more phone calls. Remember you are strictly commission based so you have to sell something today. Your family is depending on you. You bills are coming in. Your future won't be handed to you. You have 11 hours 6 days a week to grind. It is not for the faint of heart. I demand more. I use 16 hours a day. The same 6 days (My wife demands I save Sunday for Church and family time). Nothing comes easy, but everything comes eventually.

MAXIMUM EFFORT WILL GET YOU MAXIMUM RESULTS! Point blank period. If anybody knows a shortcut please share. YOU WILL NOT GET AHEAD TRYING TO GET OVER ON ANYONE. You are meant to provide your own way. Nobody's hand is meant to be to your mouth. If some else has it use that as an example that it can be achieved. Not as an opportunity to eat off their plate. Opportunities are slim, but the effort isn't. Where ever you at right now with whatever you are doing just do it just a little better. Work just a little faster. Smile while you're doing it. Now think about your mood as you read that. If anywhere in that statement you felt resistance let it go. If your statement was I don't get paid for that let it go. I've taken 4 hours trips for free, wash cars, move cars in the heat, take out the trash, delivered cars that I someone else has sold. Just do it. Get to your blessing. Put yourself in the best possible position to succeed. Take every excuse they have not to promote you, marry you, approve you and so on and so forth. Make it without a shadow of a doubt that you were long overdue for it. The key word is YOURS. Use YOUR effort to get what YOU want. Don't take advantage of a situation because it will not last long. I had a similar situation happen just a few weeks ago. Had a buddy of mine take a new job and wanted me to come along. I was tempted. I saw the money. I felt it in my hand. I filled out the application and got hired on the spot. Took the drug test and turned in my notice. As I was saying my goodbyes my wife and I got called into the office. I was kind of swayed that Bob Richard's had my best interest at heart and a week later my friend was fired. I need to give him a call.

Charlemagne will never know how much he helps over this past month. I got back to reading his book this month and it had to be God (not Charlemagne) speaking through the pages. I've gotten so caught up in the bigger picture. Trying to figure how can I get to the Forbes list. How can I get this bigger house that all the kids can fit in? My wife wants this SUV. I need Google to know who I am. I don't want to be 40 where I am at. I want more! Charlemagne has a Chapter in his book called " Put the weed in the bag first." It was like a beer after a LONG day of work. It was a reference from the movie Belly when Tommy Bunz who was played by DMX (who was my favorite rapper at the time) was schooling two younger kids. They were in the mix of talking about how much money they were going to make and this that and third. Tommy told them "Put the weed in the bag first then get money!" It didn't register at all with me at the time what he really meant until it was in layman's term in the book (which is actually a really good read). It simply means FOCUS ON WHAT YOU ARE DOING RIGHT NOW and the rest will come in time. I sold ten cars straight after reading that (I'll probably be on more child support after my kid's mother read this). Take care of what you can control. I cannot do anything more than selling a car to put me closer to where I want to be. SO guess what I'm going to do. SALE A CAR. That what my job is and that's what I'm going to do. I have a lot more to say and a lot more blogs to come so like Omari Hardwick I'm Ghost.