Monday, May 19, 2014

Half Way Out

          It's was after midnight one night when I awoke in a cold cold bed. I reached over for the one that I lay with, But to no avail no flesh was touched. My hands gripped the sheets as my eyes opened, gazing at the ceiling. As thoughts began to race through my head I say along the edge of the bed. "Could it be?" I dared not to answer myself. I got dressed and proceeded to my car. As I grabbed my door handle my eyes looked upwards on my neighbors light. I was intrigue to say the least, just a little curious. It draws you like a moth to a flame. It called to me as if it had assumed control of my body. I walked toward the light without any reason. It led me to the front door which was ajared. I advanced into the hallway and walked to this little white door. As I turned the door knob my heart started pounding. For no reason I began breathing hard as the door started opening letting the light in. The light shined on an O too familiar face sleep in the arms of another too familiar face. My girl was in the arms of my neighbor.

          I've played on both sides of the fence in different times of my life. In this case I played both because if I played the victim I would be wrong. Condoning the cheating would be wrong but I would be a hypocrite if I spoke on it. In many instances I allowed it to happen and I can honestly say if I didn't deserved what happened I could say her actions were justified. That's why after seeing that I closed the door, packed my stuff and left. I bowed out peacefully. There was no reason to fight. I didn't fight to do what was right in the relationship, why fight when I see the wrong. Life delivers a funny way of showing you that this world is much bigger than you are. That day was the changing of the guard.

          I shared that story with you to get you to hopefully understand the point I'm about to make a little easier. You cannot serve two masters, cannot play both sides of the fence, and if your attention is elsewhere you are truly lacking somewhere. One door has to be closed before opening another one. This is not limited to getting into relationships. Some feel that they don't want to be in a relationship anymore should seek the same advice. You can not be single and in a relationship at the same time. There is a right and wrong to break ups but that is a blog for another day. In this story the door I left open, with me not occupying it left room for someone else to walk right in it. Hopefully someone more deserving. Nevertheless when I closed that door the room was already being occupied.

          The grass is sometimes greener on the other side. Sometimes leaving is the best option. Opting out isn't the easy out, sometimes it's the hardest one to make. The grass can also be just as green on your side of the fence. You just have to put the time and preventive maintenance to keep your lawn thriving. It's all about where your attention is. Your attention will determine where your effort is. If your effort is on both sides... eventually both lawns will die. Focus is key and details are everything. Like my mom use to love to tell me. "You didn't grow up in a barn, close the door behind you."