Monday, September 3, 2012

Well Done.

"Greater is he that is in me, than he that is in the world"

My mistakes have not made me better yet they mold me into a magnate. Humbly reflecting in my life brings wisdom and understanding. In a world where we'd rather hear "o well" I seek to hear "well done." Not from the mouth of men, but from the Almighty. In a time where the Lord's name is called more in vain than in church, where black on black allegiance and hatred can be spoken in the same breath. Where the world can cheer for Gabby but can't come together for cancer. Where teenagers are looking for love and love turn into children then children turn into parents. This is a time when you can march for Trayvon Martin and gossip about the killings in our own backyard. "Times have changed.

What's your purpose?

What's your legacy? How would you want to be remembered? Are you content? Let me ask this "what would your eulogy really say?" This is a honest question. One morning someone will be talking over you and life as you known it will be over. Will the memory of you be buried along with your body? On the other side will you hear "well done?" Does it even matter? Y.O.L.O. right? At the end of the day it's the money right? The cars and the clothes? You've got to have fun right? I've watched so many people play God like it's Holloween. Not just with just the violence, but the mindset. People post social media writing statuses looking for praise, asking for followers. They claiming to be a king/queen wanting to be worshiped. That's the life that we live in. We accept it and live with it.


Now most people's impulses are to turn to alcohol, drugs, sex, and clubs to cope. Accepting and challenging your problems have become too much. Lives are being taken and drastically altered for the simplest of altercations. Most of us are more concerned with the public eye than in house stability. Bills are being pushed back as Jordans are pushed out. More concerns are being made on kids clothing than on the nourishment of their bodies. The village is gone, big mamma is 36 and technology has created a lazy lifestyle. Gotta love it. We are in a culture where mothers will buy their daughter's dresses that's shorter than they time spend with them. Our future is bleak and it's hard to imagine from its already dim existence.

"O Well" "Well Done"

Our lives has been impactfully at an impasse where we will vote for a leader just because he is black and kill a man for wearing red. Yes our bodies are far from slaves but our minds are still trapped. There's no question to how we got here, the new question is where are we headed. It's not a new direction but a new course of action. The only way to turn "O well" into "well done" is to show actual concern. Not for the gossip but for the tribulation of a person. At any given moment you could be in a position to impact someone, when you do will it be "O well"or will you hear "well done"...